Saturday, April 20, 2019

DPCW_1038 : About Heavenly Culture World Peace Restoration of Light HWPL

What would you think that the Interreligious dialogue contributing to peace through the possibility of expanding cultural diplomacy for making the peace world earlier?

On 14 March over 30,000 global citizens from all sectors of the society including government officials, religious leaders, heads of NGOs, media persons, and citizen gathered in Seoul, South Korea, to ramp efforts for the establishment of an international law for peace. HWPL branches world wide hosted parallel events in support of the DPCW.

Additionally, in Romania where discussions for peace and security of the international community have been actively operated as the presidency of EU in 2019, a peace conference took place for 2days from April 1st with the presence of the heads of state, governments, civil society, and international NGOs registered under the United Nations.

Chairman Man Hee Lee of HWPL said, “If we cannot understand the significance in religious scripture that contains the essence of religion, religions will not serve as a good example of virtue to humanity. The first duty as a religious leader is to understand the true meaning of religion. That is why religious leaders should gather in the interfaith dialogue meeting, the WARP Office, to discuss based on the religious scriptures.”

Written by global citizens, the “Peace Letter Campaign” is a part of advocacy plan for the international movement for peacebuilding by civic participation has been carried out worldwide to collect support from women, youth, and citizens for the establishment of a legally-binding framework for international law for peace.

Since 2018, the IPYG has collected over 200,000 peace letters and sent them to the head of states of  South Africa, Indonesia, New Zealand, Namibia, Malaysia, Bosnia and Herzegovina and South Korea. Starting from today, we have great expectations for its future. The first goal is to submit the DPCW to the UN General Assembly in the form of a draft resolution and have it adopted. The second is to create a new peninsula to achieve peaceful unification. Let us become all heroes of peace together,” said Mr. Young Min Chung of general director of IPYG.
Chairman Man Hee Lee of HWPL urged, “Korea has undergone much sorrow from the division, which still threatens our daily lives. When I was 20 years old, I had no choice but to join the tragic war. We need to listen to what the soldiers said. They blamed their countries. Do the countries compensate for the loss of life? There should be no longer victims of war in our globe. Should we stand still and do nothing in this reality?
The host organization, HWPL, is a peace NGO in Special Consultative Status with the UN ECOSOC and associated with the Seoul Metropolitan Government and the UN DGC. For the purpose of ceasing all wars and creating a peaceful world as a legacy for future generations, HWPL has been carrying out 3 main peace initiatives – International law for peace, Inter-faith dialogue meeting, and Peace education.
About Heavenly Culture World Peace Restoration of Light HWPL


1 comment:

  1. We desperately need the DPCW to be enacted and implemented as soon as possible.


DPCW_1038: HWPL’s 8th Annual Commemoration of the Declaration of Peace and Cessation of War Building the Minds of Peace: Promoting Institutional Peace via Intercultural Dialogue and Understanding ▲ ...