Monday, March 18, 2019

cooking today with peaceful mind ^^hahaha

Cooking today~~

Do you know that cooking means that I have a mind to think of someone before me?

Today I'll talk about how to make a cup of coffee with a coffee dripper.

Select coffee beans that were roasted within a few days.

How about a filter paper?~~

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Soak the filter in water to remove paper odor~~~good tip? isn't it?

Then~~~don't forget the coffee beans shoudl be ground finely!!!

Soak the ground beans in water for 2-3 minutes❤️

HOLD ON ~At this moment~~
Do you know that its moment is your healing time because you can  get a smile on you lips and peaceful mind as well~when you make a cup of coffe for someone that you love

That is the best cup of coffee you know?

Anyhow, let me finalize to share the coffee dripping.

Pour the water slowly in the gound coffee for 5 or 6 times dividedly~ little by little~kkk.

Would you like to try the coffee aroma?>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>To be continued~~~

See you next time~have a great day with a cup of coffee in full of aroma^^



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