Friday, June 18, 2021

Korean, Man Hee Lee, The True Story of Peace 2

The Peace Institute (Photograph by HWPL) CheonjiIlbo,December 17, 2020

Home? Blueprint showstraining institute – frequented as a venue for peace events

Located in Goseong-ri, Cheongpyeong-myeon, Gapyeong-gun, Gyeonggi-do, 5961
of land with a three-story concrete building with a rooftop story of 1465sitting by a branch of Namhan river is


the Peace Institute.


It was designed and built as an education and training institute, a facility with accommodation and cooking facility, and was completed in 2014.

The building can accommodate 30 people at a time, and opening the indoor and outdoor space will host dining for 100 people. The first floor has the main hall that fits 120 people, a small shop, and rooms. The second floor holds rooms, a lounge, a dining area, and the third floor, more room for accommodation, meeting rooms, and a multipurpose hall.

According to a Mr. Shim, the person who was in charge of construction, the peace institute was designed to host guests for peace activities.


Chairman Man Hee Lee, who had received orders from heaven to


achieve peace and the cessation of wars,

would invite guests from Korea and abroad to hold meetings on peace.


The institute could serve as accommodation for guests who travel long distances. As a venue of 10 to 20 peace events every year, the institute frequently hosted guests from Korea and abroad.


Notably, around the HWPL World Peace Summit, it served as a place of harmony for peace leaders.


HWPL (Heavenly Culture, World Peace, Restoration of Light,


Chairman Man Hee Lee) is an NGO with special consultative status at the UN ECOSOC and registered as a UN DGC-associated NGO.

(The UN DGC was formerly DPI.)


During and after the HWPL World Peace Summit, an annual peace conference the NGO hosts since 2014, the peace institute would host visitors. At one of the peace events, one of the international dignitaries lovingly called the institute the Peace Palace, and it became the institute’s nickname which Lee also quotes.




  1. Chairman Lee has served tirelessly for the work of peace. It's a miracle that someone his age is continuing to work with such a heart for peace. Thank you, HWPL and Chairman Lee.


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