Friday, May 28, 2021

ABOUT HWPL#1 : DPCW can be legislated as a legally-binding document?


Is there a possibility that the DPCW can be legislated as a legally-binding document?



A. HWPL has been engaging in and continuously expanding "Legislate Peace" project, in order for every state and individual in the world to take part in supporting the DPCW and in the effort to introduce the DPCW as a UN resolution.
Civil societies gathered their hearts for peace through the LP project and sent their letters to people from various walks of life around the world, and high-level leaders from multiple countries also have been sending their support for the DPCW.
The voices of the civil societies can change the world in a better direction. Since HWPL is working with civil societies from around the world, we believe that the potential for the DPCW to become a legally-binding document is very high.



What kind of activities is HWPL engaged in for the DPCW to become an international legal instrument for peace?

A :After the 10 articles and 38 clauses of the DPCW were proclaimed in 2016, the Legislate Peace project began so that the DPCW can become an international legal instrument for peace, with the youth and women in the center of its effort.
The LP project started out as a signature campaign to support the DPCW, through which the value of the DPCW was made known to people from various walks of life in the society in order to urge for their support.


The signature campaign has now expanded to various cultural events and campaigns with the DPCW as its basis, currently taking place in 176 different countries.
Starting in 2018, in particular, about 600,000 citizens from multiple countries wrote hand-written letters that urged for peace, actively participating in a peace letter campaign to reach out to leaders in 192 different countries including presidents, prime ministers, heads of national assemblies, and chief justices.






1 comment:

  1. Many heads of state - both existing and former - have publicly declared their support for HWPL's Declaration of Peace and Cessation of War (DPCW), citing it as the only solution to ceasing all conflict and achieving peace on a global scale. In the words of H.E. Viktor Yushchenko, former President of Ukraine, "The DPCW is a perfect and balanced document that can be the basis of solidarity for peacekeeping in all countries of the world. I think all the leaders of the countries should support the DPCW”✌

    May peace prevail!


DPCW_1038: HWPL’s 8th Annual Commemoration of the Declaration of Peace and Cessation of War Building the Minds of Peace: Promoting Institutional Peace via Intercultural Dialogue and Understanding ▲ ...