Saturday, January 28, 2023
Friday, January 27, 2023
HWPL Peace Education
HWPL Peace Education
It is an education that fosters citizens of peace with the value and spirit of peace.
There is no place under heaven and earth that is more beautiful and better to live in than the Earth. However, many people are suffering from war, famine, a gap between the rich and the poor, environmental pollution, and more all over the world due to human greed and selfishness. Such reality that humanity faces still remains a problem to be solved and is being passed on to the future generations. Therefore, HWPL proposed peace education as a way to leave a beautiful world of peace as a legacy for the future generations.
Training a rising generation as citizens of peace is more important than anything else to transform the future of the global community into a better world. In order for such future leaders to be born, education must be provided to students at school on topics such as peaceful attitudes, values, and experiences so that they can practice them in society.
HWPL Peace Education’s Vision and Goals
It aims for the heroes responsible for the next generation to become citizens of peace, cultivate the spirit of peace, and solve global security problems so that they become leaders who create global harmony and achieve peace.
Structure of HWPL Peace Education Curriculum
Part 1 Finding the meaning of peace and its value
Everything in nature has a different look and characteristic, but it all comes together creating harmony as well as beautiful scenery. If one understands the principles of “respect diversity and harmony” and “cooperation and coexistence” embedded within nature, then they will realize that the human world can also move forward in harmony and beauty.
In part 1, students learn about how various people with different races, religions, cultures, nationalities, ideas, appearances, and more gather to form order and a harmonious relationship, and the true meaning and value of peace.
Part 2 Being qualified as a citizen of peace
In part 2, students learn about specific ways to live in harmony with everyone in the world and the community – beyond their families and neighbors. It helps to develop upright values and the character needed to coexist peacefully with others and solve all problems peacefully.
INTERNATIONAL DAY : Outreach Programme on the Holocaust
At the height of the COVID-pandemic in January 2021, the Holocaust and the United Nations Outreach Programme and UNESCO together with the International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance organized the first-ever online joint remembrance ceremony to mark the International Day of Commemoration in memory of the victims of the Holocaust. Shown above from top left to right, António Guterres, United Nations Secretary-General, Irene Butter, Holocaust survivor, Volkan Bozkır, President of the 75th session of the General Assembly, Angela Merkel, Federal Chancellor of Germany and keynote speaker, and Audrey Azoulay, UNESCO Director-General.
United Nations General Assembly Resolution 60/7 that established the Holocaust and the United Nations Outreach Programme, also designated 27 January as an annual International Day of Commemoration in memory of the victims of the Holocaust – observed with ceremonies and activities at United Nations Headquarters in New York and at United Nations offices around the world.
First National Peace Convention to Establish Unity for Peace in the Philippines
The first National Peace Convention is set to take place on January 25, 2023 (Wednesday) at the Philippine International Convention Center (PICC). More than 1,000 participants are expected to attend from different sectors including lawmakers, university presidents and educators, youth and women leaders, media, religious leaders, and civil society organizations.
The said peace convention will commence with the theme, “Peace Builds One Nation, One Future – Peace is Here”, aiming to establish a roadmap towards the attainment of national unity through peace in consonance with the Marcos Administration’s agenda. Through this event, a resolution will be presented to President Bongbong Marcos for a possible declaration of National Peace Day – a special working holiday.
The event is organized and spearheaded by the Volunteer Individuals for Peace (VIP), a local peace organization chaired by Dr. Ronald Adamat, Commissioner of the Commission on Higher Education (CHED). This event becomes international with the participation of a South Korea-based NGO, Heavenly Culture, World Peace, Restoration of Light (HWPL) chaired by Lee Man-hee who is a peace advocate and war veteran from South Korea. Through the partnership of VIP and CHED with HWPL, the introduction of peace education at the national level and collaboration of peace activities at the international level have been pursued.
The 92-year-old HWPL Chairman will be coming to the Philippines in commemoration of the 9th Anniversary of the January 24 HWPL Peace Day. The Peace Day has been celebrated annually to commemorate a civilian-led peace agreement signed at General Santos City in 2014 to boost reconciliation among the local communities. A day before the convention, he is also set to attend and give a speech during the unveiling ceremony of the 11th peace monument in Plaza Asuncion, Malate, Manila.
The chairpersons of the two host organizations will give speeches during the first plenary session to present the milestones achieved for peace-building at the national and international levels, as well as their plans. Vice President Sara Duterte is also invited to speak at this session.
In the afternoon, parallel sessions will take place for five sector groups: academe and youth, religious leaders, lawmakers and non-government organizations, media, and women leaders. In each session, there will be speeches followed by an open forum to produce a resolution from each sector group. These resolutions will be consolidated into one which will be presented to the President during the second plenary session.
Through this, a national peace framework with a holistic approach will be created for the adoption of peace-building and conflict prevention that will strengthen Philippines’ resolve to achieve national unity and sustainable development.
First National Peace Convention to Establish Unity for Peace in the Philippines
(Realnews Magazine) - 1st National peace convention to establish unity for peace in the Philippines
(Today Politics) - 1st National Peace Convention to Establish Unity for Peace in the Philippines
(GH Gossip) - 1st National Peace Convention to Establish Unity for Peace in the Philippines
Friday, January 13, 2023
International Law Webinar: On War, Peace, and Human Rights Theme: “DPCW: The Answer to Peace”
This webinar was held in commemoration of Human Rights Day and to raise awareness on the protection of humanity and environment, and to understand the need to enforce a new international law which is DPCW to end war, and recognize the impact of every individual in achieving sustainable peace. At the same time, to gather peace letters and DPCW signature support.
“We hope that one day, IHL will be considered nugatory or inapplicable because of the absence of war, that’s our dream, but right now we have war [and] armed conflicts, so at the very least, IHL limits the use or resort to weapons or the means and methods of warfare.”
-Atty. Ismael Sarangaya Jr.
Introduction Webinar
On December 5, 2022, HWPL (Heavenly Culture, World Peace, Restoration of Light), in collaboration with PCU-College of Law (Philippine Christian University-College of Law) hosted the International Law Webinar: On War, Peace, and Human Rights, with the theme: “DPCW: The Answer to Peace”.
The webinar was held to raise awareness on the protection of humanity and environment, and to understand the need to enforce a new international law which is DPCW to end war, and recognize the impact of every individual in achieving sustainable peace. At the same time, to gather peace letters and DPCW signature support.
The two actors from PCU-College of Law, Atty. Ismael Sarangaya Jr. and Atty. Kristoffer James Purisima, gave a speech about “International Humanitarian Law: Rules Governing War” and “Negotiating Resilience: Climate Crisis and Human Rights”.
Background Information
Defending human rights and our environment and encouraging the participation of every individual especially the students of colleges of law can be a positive impulse to make the world a better place. As an agent of change and future law practitioners, they have the power to influence their immediate environment and change the global order to achieve more equal and peaceful societies. However, knowledge about humanitarian law and the urgency of saving ourselves and our environment is often overlooked and neglected.
Through this forum, the speakers talked about the international humanitarian law focusing on rules governing war and negotiating resilience focusing on climate crisis in relation to the human rights and peace process and the necessity to enforce a new international law which is DPCW to ensure and to achieve complete and sustainable peace.
Points of discussion
The first speaker is Atty. Ismael Sarangaya Jr., Associate Dean of PCU-College of Law, who presented “International Humanitarian Law: Rules Governing War”. According to him, the UN Charter prohibits use of force among state members but there is one exception–a state under attack has a right to self-defense. He discussed the IHL including the four Geneva Conventions that provide protection to the wounded and sick armed forces in the field and shipwrecked at sea, prisoners of war and civilian population in times of war. He emphasized that the IHL makes war “more compassionate than it ought to be.”
“We hope that one day, IHL will be considered nugatory or inapplicable because of the absence of war, that’s our dream, but right now we have war [and] armed conflicts, so at the very least, IHL limits the use or resort to weapons or the means and methods of warfare,” he added. Some of the weapons banned by treaties are bullets that expand or flatten in the human body, poison and poisoned weapons, chemical and biological weapons.
The second speaker is Atty. Kristoffer James Purisima, Professor at PCU-College of Law, who discussed the topic “Negotiating Resilience: Climate Crisis and Human Rights”. He presented statistics revealing that the Philippines is the fourth most affected country by climate change and the top 1 country with highest disaster risk according to the 2022 World Risk Index Report. This highlighted the importance of disaster risk reduction and management (DRRM) and its institutionalization.
He enumerated the threats to human security brought by climate crisis including poverty, unemployment, famine, diseases, lack of access to basic care, pollution, violence and human rights abuses. He concluded by emphasizing the “urgency of how we must act and save ourselves and our environment from extinction”.
The last presentation was made by Mr. John Rommel Garces, HWPL Philippines Chief Branch Manager, on the topic “The Legislate Peace Project: Declaration of Peace and Cessation of War (DPCW)”. The DPCW is a document with 10 articles and 38 clauses drafted by the HWPL International Law Peace Committee. It is being submitted to the United Nations to be implemented as a legally-binding document to strengthen the existing provisions on global peace.
At the end of the program, the participants were encouraged to sign their support for the DPCW as part of HWPL’s Legislate Peace Project. They also wrote peace letters addressed to heads of states particularly the Philippines, Russia, and Ukraine, to urge for cessation of war and campaign for the institutionalization of peace.
Atty. Ismael Sarangaya Jr.: “We hope that one day, IHL will be considered nugatory or inapplicable because of the absence of war, that’s our dream, but right now we have war [and] armed conflicts, so at the very least, IHL limits the use or resort to weapons or the means and methods of warfare.”
Atty. Kristoffer James Purisima: He concluded by emphasizing the “urgency of how we must act and save ourselves and our environment from extinction”
Mr. John Rommel Garces: At the end of the program, the participants were encouraged to sign their support for the DPCW as part of HWPL’s Legislate Peace Project. They also wrote peace letters addressed to heads of states particularly the Philippines, Russia, and Ukraine, to urge for cessation of war and campaign for the institutionalization of peace.
Next step
Our next step is to conduct more human rights seminar and DPCW education involving other colleges of law and youth, integrate DPCW in the subjects of colleges of law, and collect more DPCW signature support to raise awareness by establishing partnerships through an MOA with Philippine Association of Law Schools (PALS) and MOU with Philippine Christian University – College of Law (PCU College of Law).
A conference for the peaceful resolution of conflicts is held
Various types of disputes have arisen that violate the international order, despite efforts such as the establishment of international organizations for peace and security and the United Nations Charter. A conference entitled “Role of Civil Society in the Peaceful Resolution of Disputes” hosted by HWPL, a non-government organization under the UN Economic and Social Council, was held on November 25th.
This conference, held at Palaissaal Hall in Hotel Adlon Berlin, Germany, under the theme of “The Meaning of the Human Chain Movement and Its Implementation in the Present” was attended by 120 people, including Professor Ciaran Burke, an international law professor at Jena University in Germany, and Mr. Teodor Melescanu, a former Romanian foreign minister, to address the need for peaceful conflict resolutions.
Burke, who attended the event as a guest speaker, is one of the international law experts at the HWPL International Law Peace Committee and cooperated with HWPL to draft the Declaration of Peace and Cessation of War (DPCW) on March 14, 2016. The DPCW is a document that consists of 10 Articles and 38 Clauses for the prevention of war and for sustainable peace and presents the role of people from all walks of life, including citizens as well as the state.
Professor Burke, who is also the lead author of the DPCW Handbook, explained, “DPCW is founded on ‘the conviction that judicial and other dispute resolution measures can replace the rule of war with the rule of law’ and aims to pass on to successive generations an invaluable inheritance of a world free of wars,” saying, “recent decades have seen a number of serious conflicts around the world, costing millions of lives, and reflecting a system of international law – designed, amongst other things, for the preservation of international peace – that is plainly not working as well as it should or perhaps could. The DPCW, backed by HWPL, is presented as a first step in remedying these problems, and bringing us toward a more peaceful future.”
“We are in a world of international realignment and competition, and it is clear that we need to reset the international community. The largest states alone can adopt rules. That is why we must encourage regional organizations in Europe, Asia, Africa, Latin America and Arab countries,” said former Romanian foreign minister Teodor Melescanu, adding, “It is necessary for these regional organizations to support the mechanisms of the UN, and to have a collaboration based on mutual respect.”
On this day, HWPL members expressed their hearts hoping that peace based on civil society will be achieved in the European society and emphasized the importance of it. This will be the main player in the spread of peace culture by performing a group chorus and an action performance symbolizing the human chain.
An official from HWPL said this event was planned to reflect on the meaning of the 3 Baltic states’ human chain movement, which achieved peaceful independence in 1989, to recreate the performance in the hope for peaceful conflict resolutions within Europe today, and to examine our role for peace with young people and leaders in Europe.
DPCW_1038 : Peace Journalism Studies
Peace Journalism Studies embarks on a cruise around the world with international journalists who demonstrate their expertise and perspective on peace to overcome the contemporary threats from violence and conflict. In order to develop initiatives and endorse constructive implementation, understanding the structural issues stemming from cultural and historical setting, backgrounds and causes is the starting point to find solutions tailored to each community or society for sustainable peace. This first volume offers some of the ideas with the eyes of journalists in different parts of the world.
Rev Dr. Kitiona Tausi analyzes issues of climate change discussed in the country of Tuvalu where the life style of every society including trade and economy to a large degree depend on the contemporary system of production, distribution, supply chain and consumption of fossil fuels as major energy source. This sheds light on our attention to our daily routine and issues deeply connected with “how the world should work”.
Ms. Frieda Sila Kana dedicates her focus on sorcery superstition involving violence against unspecified persons targeting women and children (and sometimes men) committed in Papua New Guinea and reconciliation efforts that brought about peaceful approaches to the social conflict. Her storytelling gives tremendous insight on civilian-led peacebuilding efforts for the foundation of a just, fair and peaceful society.
Mr. Mohammed Abdelshakoor (Shakoor Nyaketo), Founder of Journalingual Press, describes peacebuilding efforts from the 50 years of long-term conflict led by the country combined with the international society. His analysis in the real world of conflict emphasizes a practical, strategic development of peace initiatives with the combination of national institutional mechanism and international support.
Mr. Supalak Ganjanakhundee introduces the intra-state conflict in Thailand whose southern provinces bordering Malaysia with Muslim communities have suffered from violence for decades. With this case study, he suggests that the peacebuilding approach with national and international actors with both government and non-governmental organizations can be more effective for long-term peace, as seen in the case of Mindanao, the Philippines.
Experiencing the war between Ukraine and Russia at a close distance, Mr. Ihor Shevyrov highlights the foundation of global peace as a common goal based on the UN-led initiatives in international relations, which can be supported by additional instruments including the Declaration of Peace and Cessation of War (DPCW) drafted and proposed by HWPL to allow development of society through a culture of peace.
Along with the contributions from journalists, this volume also includes special space with a speech delivered by Mr. Man Hee Lee, Chairman of HWPL. In the words, important ideas on the cause of international cooperation for peace under his expression
“We Are One”
will provide rich motivation for our dedication in our times for our future generations.
I hope this publication leads to making all our efforts in an innovative way to creating a good place to live. We are one under peace.
Friday, January 6, 2023
Great Heritage in Philippines
A documentary film about the international peacebuilding efforts for Mindanao in the Philippines, one the world’s long-term conflicts sparked by violence that left over 120,000 deaths and millions of displaced persons since the 1960s was released and screened in the Philippines.
In celebration of the National Peace Consciousness Month, a peace documentary titled “Great Legacy” premiered in a cinema in Davao City on the evening of September 6, 2022. Around 500 representatives from the government, education sector, media, as well as civic society leaders, religious leaders across the country and peace advocates from Mindanao have attended.
The documentary was produced by SMV Media Group, a broadcast company based in Seoul, South Korea, in collaboration with Heavenly Culture, World Peace, Restoration of Light (HWPL), an international non-profit organization affiliated with the UN ECOSOC advocating for global peace. The film showcased HWPL and actors who engaged in peace-related activities in Mindanao.
Davao City Mayor Baste Duterte congratulated by saying, “By showing people documentaries and films on peace, we may encourage more to be one with us in our peacekeeping and peacebuilding efforts for our communities.”
HWPL’s peace movement in the Philippines started when HWPL Chairman Lee Man-hee, a Korean war veteran and peace activist, visited Mindanao several times since 2013.
He mediated a civilian peace agreement signed by Archbishop Emeritus Fernando Capalla and then Maguindanao Governor Esmael “Toto” G. Mangudadatu on January 14, 2014 in General Santos City. Before the audience of 300 people including politicians, university professors, religious leaders, and students, the representatives on that day promised to cooperate in ceasing the conflict and building peace especially in the Mindanao region which has long suffered the aftereffects of war.
This agreement became the starting point of HWPL in raising public awareness about peace not only in Mindanao but throughout the Philippines, based on the universal principles of mutual understanding, respect, and harmony. HWPL’s peace initiatives include law enactment for peace, interfaith dialogues, peace education, and youth and women empowerment, which has brought leaders in different countries to support peace in Mindanao.
In the film, Martin Lee Hojian, former chairperson of the UN Human Rights Commission of the United Nations, praised HWPL led by Chairman Lee, and the Filipino people who had a keen passion for peace. Also, Nabil Tirmage, Asia Pacific Broadcasting Development Organization program manager, said that the civil peace agreement in 2014 is an “amazing case of realization of peace that the world should study”.
“The conflict in Mindanao has been a major variable in not only in Southeast Asian but global situation. The establishment of peace in Mindanao was a global task and required constructive intervention from the international community.
In particular, it will be possible to understand through this documentary film that the efforts at the private sector, like HWPL in Mindanao, are the foundation for peace to settle down,” said an official of HWPL. SMV Media Group announced that the documentary film will be accessible through various channels in different countries including broadcasting stations and multiplex theater.
Sourced by :
'Great Heritage' ver. Philippine
Documentary on International Cooperation for Peace in Mindanao Premieres in the Philippines
What is the Declaration of Peace and Cessation of War (DPCW)?
On 14 March 2016, HWPL proclaimed the
Declaration of Peace and Cessation of War (DPCW), which was drafted with the participation of
international law experts from 15 countries.
This declaration,
comprised of 10 articles and 38 clauses, aims to restore the spirit that served as the
basis for the establishment of the United Nations and to achieve sustainable
peace by promoting the universal values of the global community.
The DPCW embodies the principles and measures
for preventing and resolving conflicts and sustaining a peaceful global society.
The ten articles of the DPCW contain three
important values
First, prevention of conflict (Article
Call upon States to cooperate towards
gradual disarmament, repurpose weapons manufacturing facilities to serve
purposes that are beneficial to humanity, and develop friendly relations based
on respect for the principle of equal rights and self-determination of peoples
Second, settlement of conflict (Article
Reaffirm the role of international
supervisory bodies in maintaining global peace and security and call for
arbitration, mediation, and conciliation as means of settling disputes
Third, maintenance of peace (Article
Address the
principles and conduct that can maintain a peaceful global society once it is
DPCW_1038 : The 1st HWPL Religious Youth Peace Camp in Zambia
The 1st HWPL
Religious Youth Peace Camp in Zambia
Religione: Breaking
On September 22, the first
Zambian Religious Peace Camp, hosted by HWPL, was held at the Taqwa Islamic
Center Trust located in Lusaka, the capital of Zambia under
the theme of
“Religione: Breaking
Religious leaders and youth organization
members gathered in one place to resolve conflicts through religious and
cultural exchanges.
140 people, including 7 leaders from Islam, Catholicism, and Hinduism who
support religious peace, attended the camp, and experienced and learned the
scriptures and culture of Islam.
camp started with the greetings of each religious leader, then people were
split into groups regardless of their religion. Then there were ice breaking
and peace-related recreational activities, an introduction to Islamic religion,
and a mosque tour. The participants were able to personally experience the
Islamic religion and culture. There was also a program to broaden the
understanding of religions, such as learning the history of world religions and
finding solutions to the root causes of religious conflicts.
Swami Guneshananda, the Spiritual Director of Ramakrishna Vedanta
Center in Lusaka, said in an interview, “Each and every religion is talking
about peace, love, and cooperation. People in the world are fighting about the
small things, as well as geographical and economical gain. Let us love each
other, and to do that, we must become one.
participant, Father Benjamin Itungabose, a Priest at Good Shepherd Kabawata
Parish Church, shared, “For me, the most wonderful moment was when I met with
my colleagues at the online WARP Office meeting. Also, what is more important
is the warm welcome we received in this amazing mosque. Communication between
the religious leaders was good, especially the host who taught us about Islam
shared many things, including what Islam is. Spiritually, it is like a
religion, because we all teach peace, mercy, love and harmony.”
Christian Nation Radio
reporter Betty Kakoma said, “Today, I was very happy to see religious leaders
and believers gathered to talk about peace and how to work together as one
humanity. I learned that together, we can have a stronger voice. I learned a
lot from other religions. These are some of the things that I can collaborate
with HWPL as a journalist.”
religious scriptures all contain the values of peace, justice, human dignity,
respect, and harmony. The Religious Peace Camp was more meaningful in that
religious people can achieve harmony between religions by focusing on and
understanding the values contained in different scriptures.
The Zambian Religious Peace
Camp was hosted to promote the importance of religious harmony emphasized by
HWPL to end the ongoing religious conflicts, eradicate discrimination and
persecution by resolving misunderstandings and conflicts arising from ignorance
between religions, and spread the culture of peace based on a correct
understanding of each religion and ideology.
from the Religious peace Camp, the HWPL WARP Office Meetings, a scriptural
comparison discussion to achieve religious peace, have been hosted once a month
in Zambia since 2015.
#HWPL #DPCW_1038
DPCW_1038: HWPL’s 8th Annual Commemoration of the Declaration of Peace and Cessation of War Building the Minds of Peace: Promoting Institutional Peace via Intercultural Dialogue and Understanding ▲ ...

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